Welcome to dimgraphic.com, this site contains my current and past work as an artist, ranging from animation to concept art and storyboards. I will try to update and post new material as often as I can. Stay tuned

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dear friends!

Dimgraphic.com will soon be evolving from an old furry catepillar in its cocoon to a butterfly of awesomeness! This site has overgrown weeds and decomposed skeletons in its closets...Time for Spring Cleaning!

What a load of poetic metaphors that was...hehe, but really now, I've discovered the wonderous www.weebly.com along with many other beautiful online discoveries...if only I had the time to list them all here.

But anyway, with the help of weebly, I'll be restructuring things and pushing for a better, more readible site...I have received lots of feedback from several people and really appreciate it. All of it will be taken into consideration as dimgraphic evolves into a more superior species!

stay tuned..

Dimgraphic Fans