Welcome to dimgraphic.com, this site contains my current and past work as an artist, ranging from animation to concept art and storyboards. I will try to update and post new material as often as I can. Stay tuned

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Concept Design Academy classes have been pretty great lately. They've definitely forced me to rethink my usual approach to drawing, from a stylistic method to a more analytical. Especially the figure drawing class where we break down the form into simple shapes and polygons...morph them into 3d objects and evolve a human out of it all. It's like modeling in 3d
but on paper.
My creature design class has taught me a lot too so far. Most importantly the approach to drawing and developing the concept. We start from a silhouette thumbnail and redraw a bigger version of the figure, gray scale it and add lighting+color. It's a great process and it works. We're currently in the "sci-fi" stage and are drawing monsters/aliens/zombies...etc.

What I'm realizing to be the key important thing when creating concept creatures and characters, is to relate them as closely as possible to that which already exists! Everything must be based off of something that already exists. References are vital, and any lack of references just throws the whole concept off...makes it unrealistic.

Anyway as the classes are taking up my spare time, I'm still working on a few freelance projects. Deadlines deadlines deadlines!

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