Welcome to dimgraphic.com, this site contains my current and past work as an artist, ranging from animation to concept art and storyboards. I will try to update and post new material as often as I can. Stay tuned

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wall Mural and 17 Days Exhibit Animation

GGR Wall Mural

I've been meaning to put up pictures of the wall mural my friend Vali and I painted in two days...about a week ago. This is a 20 ft. wall mural of a face, I think it's the face of a guy in the 6o's that was used in commercials telling kids not to use drugs. So I call up this ad asking for an artist to paint a mural for them and I responded, checked out the location with Amber and estimated how long it would take to do...I took the job and with Vali, $130 worth of paint+stuff and 14' ladder rental from home depot we got the job done in two days. We transformed this wall into that wall!
The place is Called GGR or Gourmet Green Room, it's a medical marijuana distributor...how medical really...im not sure as I've seen people of all ages come in and out through those doors...I just painted thinking, well, Perhaps we just have a very ill society these days if everyone is in dire need of weed. The owner offered to write me a letter of recommendation in the case that I ever wanted a marijuana card for myself. Man was he surprised to know I wasn't really interested. "You guys must be from the East coast or something?" how did he guess? Anyway the guy paid us a nice sum and said if I ever wanted to hang some artwork up in his joint I could do so. He'd take 10% of everything sold. Now I gotta make some art to hang there. You can see more the mural in progress pics on my Myspace album at this link!
17 Days Exhibit

So I've finally finished my Animation for the 17 Days Exhibit and just at the last minute too, as I am supposed to show it on the 13th of October. My piece is called "Panoranimation" and it will be running the whole day at Western Michigan University on a loop and maybe even in the Cepa Gallery in Buffalo sometime next Spring. The piece is a mixed media animation piece featuring a stream of imagery and subtle animation with video. The name of this piece portrays a panoramic moving landscape that expresses a slow trickle of time passing, as one gazes at the panorama. This is a sedated moving piece running at a little over 6 minutes and thus requiring the viewer to stop and gaze for a while in order to absorb it in its fullness. Panaranimation studies an ongoing transitional flow of video with as little ‘cutting’ as possible of scenes. As a matter of being, it is for the most part just one scene. If "Panaranimation" was a still painting, it would surely take up a good 30 or 40 feet of horizontal space, thus in animated form, the art compacts itself to save physical space. You can see the animation in its 3:2 format at this link, or the widescreen format here.

Quickly on Politics

Politics...what lunacy lately..then again it's always been lunacy for as long as I remember. What have we turned this country into? A reality show! Gambling our own futures with self righteous, finger-pointing, corrupt assholes. I did have hope at one point during this past year and that was when Ron Paul was running...I agreed with him 200% and would have been more than proud to have him be my president. A man like that could have really turned this country around...instead we have lunatics running the show. 3rd party candidates of course have no chance but to be deemed as nuisances trying to "steal votes" ...what a load of shit. But anyway what can I expect, what can anyone expect these days when the media is all bought and owned by a certain few, when the political system has all rotted down to its very core!

I created these two political cartoon style sheets and a few political cartoons about McCain and Obama earlier this summer as I thought I'd be doing a whole series relating to the campaign trail, laughing at these two fools and their very important viewpoints and positions. I had a few concepts going and some rough cartoons, but it never really got beyond that. Now that the whole thing is bound to end soon in November, God save us all, there's really no point in trying anything...why contribute to this fun-packed thriller-suspense extravaganza!? In my closing thoughts I'd like to mention Bob Barr, the Libertarian party candidate who I've picked to be my choice as he's stated again and again about the corrupt nature of our bipartisan system and the fact that our two choices (obambi and MickyCain) are the one and same really. Your thoughts??

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