I've been working at a company called
Clearwire for the past three months as a web graphic/interface designer. Clearmedia 365 is the web division where I joined forces and worked alongside
Pat Prekel, another intern graphic guy. The Clearmedia site is currently in their final stages before launch and when they do, they will provide the public with media, news, photos, entertainment, sports info, downloads...etc. Throughout my time here I worked

mostly with Photoshop, puting together background images and graphics for navigation tabs, a little logo work and a little clean up, readying images for online posting. This type of work doesn't let you be too creative unfortunately, as I primarily worked with pre-made images that just needed a few tweaks, overlays or touchups, resizings, a color correction to keep everything consistant...whatever. It was great practice regardless. At one point I was asked to work on caricatures for the two running cadidate goons Obama and McCain, so I picked up my sketchbook came up with some ideas for cartoons, face expressions and whatever else related to the daily campaign trail.

I'll post some political cartoons a bit later on a different post or somwhere else on this site.
So now that I'm going to have all sorts of free time until I find my next job, I'll finish working on my site, do some freelance gigs and also make some art I've been waiting to do for a long time. As a matter of fact, I have some canvas ready for stretching and painting upon back at home. Lots of inspirational material to look at and plenty of ideas circulating in my head at the moment. My site still needs bigtime revision I think. I like the way the homepage is looking, with a simple navigation up top, a spot for a daily comic/drawing in the middle and this blog feature towards the bottom. Please offer some ideas if you have any on how to make dimgraphic.com even better. I'm looking for a better way to present my comics with a simple navigation option to go from one to the next. It's gotta be a simple enough system where I can just keep all images in one folder and upload new images as I make them. I'm also thinking of dumping a lot my art into one place: the Archives and just store them there rather categorizing paintings into paintings and animation into the animation section. There just seems no point, art is art and I like to try a little of everything. "Specialization is for insects" -Robert Heinlein.