The latest...

Welcome to, this site contains my current and past work as an artist, ranging from animation to concept art and storyboards. I will try to update and post new material as often as I can. Stay tuned

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ive been making some character concepts for a big theatrical show that might happen somewhere in China in the next few coming months. Had the pleasure of working with Francine Lecoultre, a wonderful costume designer, who happens to also live here at the Brewery.

I'm expecting a ton of revisions in a few weeks...and then more drawings to come..hopefully.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Angelic/Demonic Concept Art

I have finally resurrected my old Concept art blogger's some latest pieces, I know it's been a while since I did this kind of work, so this felt pretty good!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Announcing dims comicles!

As I'm playing around with the newly discovered, I've come up with a dim development! Announcing the experimental Daily..or weekly...or whatever I can, Series:
So check em out, ill try to post new ones. I think Weebly will offer a nice platform for them, a new and easy way to upload them daily without having to use FTP..and all that. See you there!

Step-by-step process for the above image, from concept to final!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dear friends! will soon be evolving from an old furry catepillar in its cocoon to a butterfly of awesomeness! This site has overgrown weeds and decomposed skeletons in its closets...Time for Spring Cleaning!

What a load of poetic metaphors that was...hehe, but really now, I've discovered the wonderous along with many other beautiful online discoveries...if only I had the time to list them all here.

But anyway, with the help of weebly, I'll be restructuring things and pushing for a better, more readible site...I have received lots of feedback from several people and really appreciate it. All of it will be taken into consideration as dimgraphic evolves into a more superior species!

stay tuned..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My Concept Design Academy classes have been pretty great lately. They've definitely forced me to rethink my usual approach to drawing, from a stylistic method to a more analytical. Especially the figure drawing class where we break down the form into simple shapes and polygons...morph them into 3d objects and evolve a human out of it all. It's like modeling in 3d
but on paper.
My creature design class has taught me a lot too so far. Most importantly the approach to drawing and developing the concept. We start from a silhouette thumbnail and redraw a bigger version of the figure, gray scale it and add lighting+color. It's a great process and it works. We're currently in the "sci-fi" stage and are drawing monsters/aliens/zombies...etc.

What I'm realizing to be the key important thing when creating concept creatures and characters, is to relate them as closely as possible to that which already exists! Everything must be based off of something that already exists. References are vital, and any lack of references just throws the whole concept off...makes it unrealistic.

Anyway as the classes are taking up my spare time, I'm still working on a few freelance projects. Deadlines deadlines deadlines!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Week Homework

So here are my Environment sketches I made over the course of this past week. I drew them into my sketchbook at different places and then scanned them into Photoshop. I then reworked them a bit by adding different shades to backgrounds and foregrounds.

As I understand these were supposed to be quick sketches, real simple shapes and layouts...I might have gone with too much detail and tinkering. I have to learn to simplify and focus on shades and shadows...

This was at a motorcycle shop in San Pedro. I was waiting for the doc to come out with the news..

I like using the blue col-erase Prismacolors as they give this nice soft feel to the image, not as harsh as using dark lead. Very good for initial concept layout.

During my break at work...

I went riding my bike through Santa Monica on the way to get my plates at the DMV. I found these two buildings, worth sitting down next to and drawing. The shading was mostly added at home.

This bridge looks awful...I rushed this one badly... I think it was getting dark and I was cold.

walking the dog near the apartment I ran across these electric meters...not too exciting.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February is here

Big plans for this month as I'm starting my art classes Saturday, tomorrow I'm going to the art store to buy some supplies. I've also bought a motorcycle finally...and I'm ready for the road, this is how I'm going to get from place to place from now on. Since classes are starting I'm sure to be drawing a lot and thus posting a lot of new concept art and stuff on

Freelance wise, I'm working on a logo for Aaliyah's production company to come, so far the concept is there and I just have to rework and make it look more corporate, or logo-like. The idea behind this one is taken from the name of the company being Dirty Water Productions which relates to her community and its history. I took the symbol of cupped hands holding water, after considering a few other visual options like a sewer drain or a gutter with a deposit of stagnant water...The hands represent an offering, even if it may be dirty water...the gesture overpowers the purpose.

I've been commissioned to create a music video as well, so I'm generating ideas involving a song titled "Little Girl" by Chris Alleyne, you can hear it on myspace at that link.

I've updated my DemoReel page by adding a title credits animation I did a few months back for a film project called "Sophie" as well as some other old motion art samples using After Effects.

Dimgraphic Fans